
EOSC-ENTRUST is creating a common European reference architecture enabling connectivity between TREs.

Roadmap for EOSC-ENTRUST Blueprint – V1, June 2024

The EOSC-ENTRUST Roadmap outlines a strategic development pathway for the EOSC-ENTRUST Blueprint, which aims to create a European network of Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for sensitive data. This first version of the Roadmap details the steps necessary to achieve the Blueprint, its architecture modelling framework and the primary requirements. The Roadmap has three phases, beginning with the identification of Blueprint requirements and mapping. This document is a guide to ensure European interoperability between TREs through a common federated data access and analysis framework.

EOSC-ENTRUST Requirements and Capabilities Workshop Report – May 2024

The first EOSC-ENTRUST Roadmap Workshop was set up to define minimal requirements and conceptual descriptions for the Blueprint, establish common terminology and provide examples of existing environments. Participants gathered expectations from providers and stakeholders, particularly regarding interoperability, and identified potential Blueprint development challenges.

This report summarises the Workshop's findings and perspectives on the current and future capabilities of TREs, contributing to the overall goal of fostering European interoperability in TREs. This is the first of three annual workshops dedicated to refining these objectives.