EOSC-ENTRUST aims to create a European network of Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for sensitive data and drive European interoperability by joint development of a common blueprint for federated data access and analysis.

EOSC-ENTRUST stands for “European Open Science Cloud – European Network of TRUSTed Research Environments”.

Project overview

Start date: 1 March 2024

End date: 28 February 2027

EU contribution: € 4.2M

Coordinated by: ELIXIR

Project partners: 34

The challenge

Countries and institutions have made significant investments in secure and trusted data environments to meet the need for research and policy-driven analysis of sensitive datasets such as health and socio-economic data, the habitats of vulnerable species and geo-spatial locations of protected sites.

There are now many such secure environments in operation, linked to national centres, individual organisations or specific research communities. This fragmented landscape poses challenges for both users and providers: researchers are faced with many different systems and access procedures; providers need to manage federated access across multiple, potentially incompatible, technology and governance frameworks.

The EOSC-ENTRUST solution

EOSC-ENTRUST brings together providers of operational TREs from 15 European countries with a shared goal to implement, validate and promote their capabilities through a common European framework using shared standards and common legal, operational and technical language.

This blueprint for interoperability is anchored in the EOSC Interoperability Framework spanning the four dimensions of legal, organisational, technical and semantic interoperability.

EOSC-ENTRUST has identified four driver projects covering genomics, clinical trials, social science and public-private partnerships to benchmark capabilities, inform blueprint design and demonstrate secure data analysis using federated workflows.

Targeted outreach activities will expand this open network with further providers and develop policy papers and guidelines for the full range of stakeholders to create a long-term operational TRE framework within the European Open Science Cloud.

EOSC-ENTRUST structure


Name Country
BioData.pt Portugal
Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion Spain
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) Spain
CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy Finland
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet(DTU) Denmark
ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) France
EUDAT Collaborative data infrastructure Finland
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Germany
Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) United Kingdom
Masaryk University Czech Republic
GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology Greece
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) Luxembourg
Sciensano Belgium
Sigma2 AS Norway
Stichting Health-RI Netherlands
SURF Netherlands
Tárki Alapítvány Hungary
University of Tartu Estonia
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos) Finland
The University of Manchester United Kingdom
University of Nottingham United Kingdom
Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu) Finland
Bielefeld University Germany
University of Bergen Norway
University of Oslo Norway
University of Dundee United Kingdom
University of Essex United Kingdom
University of Ljubljana Slovenia
Uppsala universitet Sweden
Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB) Belgium
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic

Related INFRAEOSC projects

The projects SIESTA and TITAN were funded in the same call as EOSC-ENTRUST to provide trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC.